大东方保险 (Great Eastern) 提供新冠肺炎客户财务援助

Updated: November 16, 2023 / Home » Financial Plan » Insurance

新冠肺炎(前称武汉肺炎)疫情逐渐严重,有人趁火打劫,有人雪中送炭。大东方人寿保险 (Great Eastern Life) 承诺提供 RM1,000,000 财政援助计划以帮助被新型冠状病毒 (Covid-19) 影响的客户。


  1. 住院现金补助当诊断出患有新型冠状病毒以及被马来西亚卫生部隔离在指定医院, 住院补助每日 RM200, 长达 60 天。
  2. 新型冠状病死亡时,每位客户将获 RM20,000 身亡利益。
  3. 限于所有马来西亚大东方人寿保险客户(不包括强制性集团雇员福利)和配偶以及18岁以下的儿童。


Great Eastern Life Malaysia pledges RM1 million Financial Assistance Programme to help customers who are affected by COVID-19.

Customers should they be diagnosed with COVID-19 from 17 February 2020 to 31 December 2020, the following support under the Financial Assistance Programme will be provided:

  1. Hospitalisation Cash Assistance of RM200 per day up to 60 days of hospitalization, upon diagnosis of COVID-19 and kept in quarantine at any of the Ministry of Health Malaysia
    designated hospitals.
  2. A lump sum of RM20,000 death benefit per life upon death due to COVID-19.
  3. Applicable to all life assured GELM (excluding Compulsory Group Employees Benefits) and its immediate family members (spouse and children up to age 18).

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Min Hui 是马来西亚持牌理财规划师,在保险行业拥有6年以上的年资,目前定居于马来西亚雪隆区。若欲知更多详情,可以私下到【专页】联系。联络号码是 017-3406315 。

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