Updated: August 30, 2024 Home » Investment » Amanah Saham and Fund
ASW 2020 (Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020) fund was launched on the 28th of August 1996. This fund was launched in conjunction with Vision 2020 which introduced by 4th Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad. ASW 2020 is an equity income fund with fixed-price at RM1.00 per unit.
The fund objective is to provide a reasonable level of regular distribution income to Unitholders from investments in a selected portfolio of authorized investment..
Here is the historical Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW2020), Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) and Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M) Dividend Rate from 1997 to 2023.
Dividend | ASW 2020 | ASM | AS1M |
1997 | 10.10 | - | - |
1998 | 9.80 | - | - |
1999 | 8.20 | - | - |
2000 | 8.80 | - | - |
2001 | 7.25 | 7.80 | - |
2002 | 7.25 | 7.00 | - |
2003 | 6.60 | 6.60 | - |
2004 | 7.00 | 7.00 | - |
2005 | 7.10 | 7.20 | - |
2006 | 6.80 | 6.75 | - |
2007 | 8.00 | 6.80 | - |
2008 | 7.00 | 7.80 | - |
2009 | 6.30 | 6.25 | - |
2010 | 6.35 | 6.30 | 6.38 |
2011 | 6.50 | 6.38 | 6.50 |
2012 | 6.60 | 6.50 | 6.60 |
2013 | 6.70 | 6.50 | 6.70 |
2014 | 6.60 | 6.60 | 6.60 |
2015 | 6.40 | 6.60 | 6.40 |
2016 | 6.30 | 6.30 | 6.10 |
2017 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 |
2018 | 6.00 | 6.25 | 6.00 |
2019 | 5.00 | 5.50 | 5.00 |
2020 | 4.00 | 4.25 | 4.00 |
2021 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 |
2022 | 3.75 | 4.00 | 3.75 |
2023 | 4.50 | 4.50 | 4.50 |
2024 | 4.75 | 4.75 | 4.75 |
However, beginning 15 October 2018, the Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW2020) would be known as Amanah Saham Malaysia 2 Wawasan (ASM2 Wawasan).
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Hai my mom invested rm1000 in wawasan 2020 in the year of 1996 under my cousin’s name. If she would like to surrender now how much can she get roughly. Could not check out in the bank because of PDPA issues unless we bring our cousin over.
Just bring cousin to any bank to check the balance.
Saya melabur ASW2020 pada tahun 1997, buku ASW sudah hilang.boleh saya pergi cawangan BSN untuk ganti buku baru?
if I want to close my ASM2 Wawasan account what shall I do ?
Just go to any ASNB branch to close the account. Where are you from? Let me check the nearest branch for you.
Which ASNB to go to correct IC No. ?
Sorry. We don’t understand your question.
Why my wawasan no devidend for 6 years?
Since 1999 til 2004..
Please check with the nearest branch.
MisterLeaf, I am already 71, I would like to transfer my account to my daughter. Please advise, TQ
Dah 25 tahun…Kurang pasti saham yang saya beli tu masih ada…
Jika tidak jual unit Amanah Saham tersebut, memang ada dalam akaun. Boleh semak di mana-mana pejabat pos, bank-bank atau cawangan ASNB.
Saya melabur ASW2020 pada tahun 1997, buku ASW sudah hilang.boleh saya pergi cawangan BSN untuk ganti buku baru?
Sekarang sudah tidak menggunakan buku, boleh terus menggunakan kad pengenalan untuk semakan.
if this ASW 2020 was joined name with our parents, and now I’m 40 years old, can I withdraw this fund without my parents’ attendance?
Seingat saya..masa pelancaran ASW2020 ada nya bonus khas bila matang..31/08/2020 .Kenapa tiada sebarang Pengagihan bonus khas tersebut???
Adakah ada perubahan pada ASW 2020???
Mohon pencerahan sebenar2nya.
Would appreciate to know what happen to my investment in Wawasan 2020 which mature on 31st August 2020. Will it be continue or I have to withdraw them. Thank you.
You can keep it in the account or withdraw it.
It has never happen before. Usually the dividend will be announced a few days earlier. What’s happening?
Yes, the dividend already announced on 28 August 2020.
I have not been receiving Ww2020 statements . How do I check my balance or withdraw.
I have been to Ambk to ask for assistance to check balance but it seems account cannot be located. Bank can only have access to Amanah Saham account n not Wawasan 2020. Your advice is a appreciated. Thank you
Where are you coming from? You can go to the nearest ASNB branch to check the balance.
Is annual statements/ letters issued to investors? Haven’t see it for a while.
If I sell now, I will lose my dividend not yet declared?
When will the dividend be declared in 2020?
1st September 2020, Wawasan2020 still in force?
Macam mana nak buat log in app ni? Saya ada sudah asw..tpi cara log in tu mcam mana tu?
How do I log in to check my Amanah Saham Malaysia 2 wawasan
once maturity in 2020, any chance to renew?
I wish check my account balance, I have not received the statement since year 2018.
You can check your balance online https://www.myasnb.com.my/
where can I check my ASW 2020 e-statement online?Tang Cho Ngo
Hai my name is Ratna Dewi balasundram,how do I check my status of amanah saham wawasan 2020.kondly advise in which bank we have to check the status thank you
You can check in Maybank, CIMB, RHB, Hong Leong Bank and ASNB.
Hi, when i open the ASW 2020 account, i was a child and my uncle was my penjaga. Now i am 40, if i want to close my account and withdraw my money, do my uncle need to present? And i live in Johor, may i know which is the nearest branch i can go?
You can check your account at Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (Johor Bahru) 12 & 14, Uda Business Center, Jln Padi Emas 1/2, Bandar Baru Uda, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor.
sy nk tya masih aktif lg ke amanah saham wawasan 2020,sbb sy da lebih 10 thun da x msukn simpanan
Biasanya masih aktif. Boleh semak akaun di mana-mana pejabat POS.
Boleh. Website: http://www.myasnb.com.my
Hi Boleh tahu saya boleh check on line kah balance?last check tahun 2000.
Boleh check online: http://www.myasnb.com.my
macammana mahu semak amanah saham wawasan 2020?
Boleh semak di mana-mana cawangan ASNB, Maybank, CIMB, RHB, HongLeong Bank, Affin Bank dan pejabat pos.
Blh saya tahu macam mana kiraan dividen utk ASW 2020? Blh bagi contoh?
Jumlah Baki Minimum Bulanan Selama 12 Bulan ÷ 12 Bulan X Dividen
Hello, I started to set up an account in 1996, but it has not been updated since 2011. How do I know if my account is active or not? Do I need to register online? What should I do. Thank you
You can go to any ASNB branch, Maybank, CIMB, RHB Bank, Hong Leong Bank or post office to check the status of your account.
Do i still entitle to get my dividend after it matured on august 2020 and i did not renew after the maturity date?
Statement asm2 wawasan 2021
Just go to any agent bank ( ambank.maybank,rhb…) and ask to check balance for asnb. Bring along your IC.
Hi MisterLeaf.. I would like to ask, can I redeem my investment from ASW2020 at the post office? and do I used the same form ASB=ASW2020? or they used different form?
Yes, you can sell your ASW2020 unit at the post office. You must use different form for different Amanah Saham.
okay…thank you for your info MisterLeaf
You’re welcome.
Hi Mister leaf, would you know which is better for investment? ASW2020 or ASN Sara2?
Both have pros and cons. ASW2020 is fixed price funds, ASN Sara2 is variable or floated price funds.
Hi Mister Leaf,
My ASW2020 units were bought in the 1997 by my dad as I still have the certificate acc no I believeit’s still active.How can I know the updates on my current investment status ? Whom should I contact any bank in particular.
Thank you.
Maaf nak tanya, akaun suami dh lama x update.. Bila tgk buku balance dlm tu ada 0.45 sbb dh pernah keluarkan pd tahun 2001. Cuma nak tahu adakah masih aktif krn balance y tinggal tu sikit. Adakah ia juga dikira sbg pelaburan? Terima kasih.
Sekiranya masih ada balance, maka kira akaun aktif. Amanah Saham merupakan salah satu jenis pelaburan.
Biasa asw2 masok pada bln sep…tahun nie pada bln march betulke?dividen pd 2020 berape?
Hi Misterleaf. Thanks for the useful information here. I recently ‘re-discovered’ my ASW2020 account my parents had created for me as a kid. When getting the info updated at Maybank, I asked them whether I could top up the investment, and they said “Boleh, kalau ada fund. Sekarang tak ada fund”. When I asked them how we can know when there are ‘fund’ , they said the only way is to go to a Maybank branch and ask. Just wanted to know if this is correct, or is it also announced online somewhere? Thanks!
Beside Maybank, you can go to CIMB, RHB, HLB, Pos office or ASNB branch to know.
Saya pernah buka akaun amanah saham 2020 tapi tak pernah cek sama ada akaun saya masih aktif or tidak.. Buku akaun pun hilang.. Macam mana cara nya utk saya tau perkembangan akaun wawasan2020
Cik boleh menyemak status akaun amanah saham di pejabat pos, cawangan ASNB, Maybank, CIMB, RHB Bank dan sebagainya.
Hello, Misterleaf, selamat petang.
Saya pernah membuka Akaun Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020, tetapi saya lupa tarikh akhir saya mengemaskini Akaun saya, dan saya juga tidak pernah lagi mengemaskini akaun saya sebab buku Akaun saya hilang. Bolehkah dan bagaimanakah caranya untuk saya mendapat Buku Akaun saya yang baru? Dan adakah saya perlu menambah simpanan saya dalam akaun untuk membuat buku akaun yg baru? Dan adakah akaun saya itu masih aktif tanpa pengemaskinian?
Boleh semak di mana-mana pejabat pos dengan menggunakan kad pengenalan.
Is there any maturity date for ASW2020?
31 August
What happen after 31st aug?
The dividend will be re-invested as additional units into the accounts.
What if we sell it before 31st Aug 2020? Is that mean, we wont get the dividend?
No. You still can get the dividend. If you sell in July, then you will get 11/12 of dividend.
If IC No. on the investment book does not telly with actual No.
Where to go to amend the IC No. on the investment book?
ASNB Branch
Thank You
You’re welcome.
I would like to know my balance how much?
You can go to any ASNB branch, pos office, Maybank, CIMB Bank, RHB Bank, Affin Bank to check your Amanah Saham balance.
Saya mahu tahu berapa balance saya , bagaimana caranya ?
Hai my mom invested rm1000 in wawasan 2020 in the year of 1996 under my cousin’s name. If she would like to surrender now how much can she get roughly. Could not check out in the bank because of PDPA issues unless we bring our cousin over.
Sekiranya unit Amanah Saham tersebut tidak dijual, maka unit tersebut masih dalam akaun. Akaun masih aktif.
blh di keluarkan ke duit dlm akaun tu? atau x blh di keluarkan..
Boleh dikeluarkan (unit Amanah Saham dijual balik).
Saya mempunyai akaun ASB dan ASW. ASW telah lama tidak dikemaskini. Bolehkah ASW disekalikan dlm apps myASNB?
Sekiranya ASW masih ada unit, maka akaun ASW sepatutnya ada dalam apps myASNB.
Kindly want to know my account still active or not.
You can check your account balance at any ASNB branch, pos office, Maybank, CIMB or RHB.
Buku ASW hilang macam mana buat?
Wonder why the Dividend this year is the lowest among the years….:-(
Malaysia economy slowing down
tarikh dividen ASW2020 bagi tahun 2019
31 August 2019
inform me any update thank you
Maaf saya nak tanya duit dlm amanah wawasan tu boleh dijual ke
Boleh dijual di cawangan ASNB, Maybank, CIMB, RHB Bank, Hong Leong Bank atau pejabat pos di Malaysia.
Hai my mom invested rm1000 in wawasan 2020 in the year of 1996 under my cousin’s name. If she would like to surrender now how much can she get roughly. Could not check out in the bank because of PDPA issues unless we bring our cousin over.
Just bring your cousin to any bank to check the balance. If you didn’t bring your cousin there, your mom also cannot withdraw or surrender.
Now is year 2020. Asw got maturity date? If matured what happen to my money?
Wawasan 2020 is maturity 31st August 2020. When can unitholders get their money back? Within 10 days like normal Unit Trust? How is payment going to be made?
You can sell your unit any time and withdraw the money. You can get it by cash or transfer to your bank account.
Selepas 2020.. available lagi ke ASW ni?
still available