青年房屋计划 (Skim Perumahan Belia) 政府每月补贴 RM200 房贷供期

Updated: June 15, 2020 / Home » Financial Plan » Budget Malaysia

马来西亚政府和国民储蓄银行 (Bank Simpanan Nasional) 曾经在2016年推出青年房屋计划 (Youth Housing Scheme/ Skim Perumahan Belia), 协助25岁至40岁之间的夫妻购买首间房屋。


透过这项计划,马来西亚国家按揭机构 (Cagamas) 将提供10%的贷款担保,以使借贷人能够获得全额融资。

另外,受惠者将在两年内得到每月 RM200 的分期付款资助。不过,此计划仅限首1万个家庭单位。


  1. 可获 RM100,000 至 RM500,000 的房屋贷款
  2. 可获得100%房屋价格贷款
  3. 每月可得 RM200 奖掖长达2年
  4. 低房贷利息(低于市场利息)
  5. 免50%印花税
  6. 自由选择购买房屋的地点和类


  1. 大马公民
  2. 年龄介于21岁至45岁的青年或夫妇
  3. 家庭月收入不超过 RM10,000
  4. 第一次购买房屋者
  5. 房屋贷款供期最多35年或房屋拥有者年龄最高至70岁或65岁(自雇人士)


  1. 失业大学生重获工作,每月获得RM500津贴
  2. 国人可获 RM30 “电子钱包奖励” (e-wallet)
  3. B40 M40 汽油津贴计划 (Program Subsidi Petrol)
  4. 儿童肺炎疫苗津贴 (Pneumococcal Vaccine)

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57 comments on “青年房屋计划 (Skim Perumahan Belia) 政府每月补贴 RM200 房贷供期

  1. CHOH LUP KEWN 11-12-2020 [ Reply ]

    Simpan dalam rumah kemasyarakatan
    Terima kasih

  2. Vincent 17-05-2020 [ Reply ]


  3. Cincai 20-02-2020 [ Reply ]

    楼主你讲错了,BSN 说单身也可以买的。。。

    • MisterLeaf 20-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      对啊。文章清楚写明 2016 的 Skim Perumahan Belia 计划只是给25岁至40岁之间的夫妇申请而已。2020 年的 Skim Perumahan Belia 计划有些条件将会调整,其中包括年龄调整为21岁至45岁之间的青年或夫妇。

  4. zoei 15-02-2020 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 17-02-2020 [ Reply ]


  5. Sam 12-02-2020 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 13-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      不能,这个计划是给首购族而已。不过,如果你失业,可以到 PERKESO 申请 EIS 失业津贴。

  6. grace 06-02-2020 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 13-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      你直接去找 RM100K – RM500K 的房屋,然后去国家储蓄银行 (Bank Simpanan Nasional) 询问这个 Skim Perumahan Belia / Youth Housing Scheme. 银行会告诉你要如何走程序。

      • Lis Wong 09-06-2020 [ Reply ]

        要帶s & P去申请嗎?还是什么文件?

        • MisterLeaf 09-06-2020 [ Reply ]


  7. vincent lim 31-01-2020 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 13-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      你先去找 RM100K – RM500K 的房屋,然后去国家储蓄银行 (Bank Simpanan Nasional) 询问这个 Skim Perumahan Belia / Youth Housing Scheme. 银行会告诉你要如何走程序。

  8. Pek har 12-01-2020 [ Reply ]

    都是骗人的 我只是买100k的政府屋 结果出来银行讲我没有供任何东西 不给我借laon

    • MisterLeaf 13-01-2020 [ Reply ]


  9. Jun 01-01-2020 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 13-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      你去找 RM100K – RM500K 的房屋,然后去国家储蓄银行 (Bank Simpanan Nasional) 询问这个 Skim Perumahan Belia / Youth Housing Scheme. 银行会告诉你要如何走程序。

  10. Tay Yen Ling 01-01-2020 [ Reply ]

    How to apply? Where to apply? What document need for Application?

    • MisterLeaf 13-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      You can go to Bank Simpanan National (BSN) to apply the Skim Perumahan Belia.

      • Quah Lee Man 22-11-2020 [ Reply ]

        请问选的project一定要政府屋吗,还是其他私人的project都可以,去BSN 申请这个youth Housing Scheme意思是Loan Amount也是在BSN apply?

        • MisterLeaf 24-11-2020 [ Reply ]

          不一定要政府屋,但是一定要在 BSN 贷款。您可以到 BSN 询问详情。

  11. nelly 01-12-2019 [ Reply ]

    for sarawak too or for west malagsia only?
    if for sarawak too then how to apply

  12. To Geok Kheng 23-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    I’m single, 43 years old. Can I apply?

    • MisterLeaf 26-11-2019 [ Reply ]

      Skim Perumahan Belia (SPB) adalah khusus untuk golongan belia warganegara yang sudah berkahwin berumur 25 hingga 40 tahun.

  13. Pang Ken phin 20-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    Saya ingat mahu satu rumah ppr saya tidak mampu beli rumah

    • MisterLeaf 26-11-2019 [ Reply ]

      Skim Perumahan Belia (SPB) bukan rumah PPR.

  14. Tan Chik Ching 18-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    If I’m single can apply?

  15. Tan chern min 14-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    saya kerja sudah 20 tahun dekat johor bahru. Sampai sekarang pun tak ada sendiri punya rumah.Harap boleh dapat rumah

    • Ching Siew Wei 17-10-2020 [ Reply ]


      • MisterLeaf 18-10-2020 [ Reply ]

        可以到 BSN 银行询问详情

  16. Yap Soon Wah 14-11-2019 [ Reply ]


  17. carmen lee 13-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    HI, if single can apply?

  18. Kong fui kein 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    I want apply
    I single mother
    I want buy my first home

  19. MAY 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    May I know how to apply ?

  20. Tan kiang seng 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    What document need?

  21. Kenneth Kuan 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    How to register and where to register ?

  22. CHONG YIEN SIONG 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    Hi..can teach me how to take my first house?Thanks You!!

    • Choosengwee 17-05-2020 [ Reply ]


  23. KHOO ENG HUI 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    i need buy please

  24. Joanne Lee 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    I wish to apply….

  25. joan foong 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]


  26. Jasminesee 12-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    Information detail

  27. Lim ley yin 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    I’m single and my salary is under RM 3,000.00.this is my first house, pls reply asap.
    Thank you

    • MisterLeaf 30-11-2019 [ Reply ]

      Single not eligible. Skim Perumahan Belia (SPB) adalah khusus untuk golongan belia warganegara yang sudah berkahwin berumur 25 hingga 40 tahun.

  28. LWH 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    So, this only for married couple? If single, can’t apply?

    • MisterLeaf 30-11-2019 [ Reply ]

      Single cannot. Skim Perumahan Belia (SPB) adalah khusus untuk golongan belia warganegara yang sudah berkahwin berumur 25 hingga 40 tahun.

  29. Goh chun ping 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    I wan the subsidi

  30. BRIAN MAH 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]


  31. lock chee hoh 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    mahu memohon satu rumah untuk sendiri familly

  32. Moon 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    How to apply? Housewife can apply also?

  33. Loo 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]


  34. ONG MUN YEE 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    I wish I can get a home

  35. Joanne Kong 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    Hi, I am a single mother, I want to buy my first house, how do I apply on this ?

  36. CHIN WAI CHING 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    nak angkat satu rumah.

  37. Estee Hui 11-11-2019 [ Reply ]


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