74个大众信托基金 Public Mutual Funds List

Updated: January 8, 2019 / Home » Investment » Amanah Saham and Fund

之前跟大家分享了《最差大众信托基金 Public China Select Fund-PCSF》后,就很多网友订阅了 MisterLeaf.com 的文章。 Public Mutual Fund 大众信托基金是全国最大的基金公司,管理的信托基金(Public Mutual Unit Trust Fund)有 74 个,如果我们要投资,我们该如何选择呢?

public mutual market share


如果我们可以因为要买罐 Milo 饮料或 Laptop 电脑而货比三家,那么影响我们人生财务规划的信托基金投资,更应该要下点功夫研究,对吗?

我在以下准备了 Public Mutual 所有 74个信托基金的基本资料。其中包括 Public Series of Shariah-Based Funds 和 Public Series of Funds

Funds NameCategoryRisk LevelProspectus
Public Aggressive Growth FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Australia Equity FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public China Select FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public China Titans FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Dividend Select FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Equity FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Alpha-30 FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Consumer Themes FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Dividend FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Property & Resorts FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Select FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Telco & Infrastructure FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Focus Select FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Global Select FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Growth FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Index FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Indonesia Select FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Industry Growth FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Natural Resources Equity FindEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Optimal Growth FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Regional Sector FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Regular Savings FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Savings FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Sector Select FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Select Alpha-30 FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Singapore Equity FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public SmallCap FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Strategic SmallCap FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public South-East Asia Select FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Strategic Growth FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Balanced FundBalancedModerate to HighMaster Prospectus
Public Far-East Balanced FundBalancedHighMaster Prospectus
Public Tactical Allocation FundMixed AssetVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Select Mixed?Conservative ?FundMixed AssetModerate to HighMaster Prospectus
Public Select Mixed Asset Growth FundMixed AssetModerate to HighMaster Prospectus
Public Bond Fund??BondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Institutional Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Enhanced Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Select Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Strategic?Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Enterprises Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Money Market FundMoney MarketVery LowMaster Prospectus
Public Cash Deposit FundMoney MarketVery LowMaster Prospectus
Public Asia Ittikal FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public China Ittikal FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Alpha-40 Growth FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Asia Dividend FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Asia Leaders Equity FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Divided FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Equity FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Opportunities FundEquityVery HighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Optimal Growth FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Savings FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Select Enterprises FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Sector Select FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Select Treasures FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Treasures Growth FundHigh5EquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Ittikal FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Ittikal Sequel FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Growth & Income FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Enterprises Equity FundEquityHighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Mixed Asset FundMixed AssetModerate to HighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Asia Tactical Allocation FundMixed AssetHighMaster Prospectus
Public Ehsan? Mixed?Conservative?FundMixed AssetModerate to HighMaster Prospectus
Public Ehsan Mixed Asset Growth FundMixed AssetModerate to HighMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Enhanced Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Select Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Infrastructure Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Strategic Bond FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Sukuk FundBondLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Income FundFixed IncomeLow to ModerateMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Money Market FundMoney MarketVery LowMaster Prospectus
Public Islamic Cash Deposit FundMoney MarketVery LowMaster Prospectus

Updated: Julai 2015

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70 comments on “74个大众信托基金 Public Mutual Funds List

  1. Annie 20-03-2020 [ Reply ]

    最近因为肺炎, PBB Fixed Income 一直滑落,我还需要保留吗?

  2. Pui Soon 27-12-2018 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 29-12-2018 [ Reply ]


    • celina 06-03-2019 [ Reply ]

      有兴趣投资可以找我 我是个金融分析师 四年经验了 微信celina930120

    • ivan chen 21-08-2019 [ Reply ]


    • T 21-11-2020 [ Reply ]

      什么公司运营?亏了 21%

  3. Maybel 14-11-2018 [ Reply ]

    有兴趣了解更多 UNIT TRUST & PRS agent 可以连络我哟。
    我是有一名经验的agent 。
    Unit trust投资建议 – 中长期投资,退休计划,小孩读书基金及等等

    [email protected] 一天内回复

    • Maybel 14-11-2018 [ Reply ]

      目前政府推出的PRS 優惠 給20-30歲之間的青年人
      放RM1000送RM1000的scheme 將在今年2018年底結束~
      超過30歲的朋友也可以享有up to RM780 扣稅的優惠
      想了解Private Retirement Scheme的朋友可以Email聯絡我
      [email protected] 想要whatsapp 的話可以email我您的電話號碼

  4. Wong Kean seng 13-11-2018 [ Reply ]

    请问有什么大众信托基金好介绍? Public smallcap fund, public savings fund @ public regular saving fund那个比较好?

    • MisterLeaf 16-11-2018 [ Reply ]


  5. YiHang 07-11-2018 [ Reply ]

    那么请问现在这个时机购买大众的unit trust (需要rm1000才能来户口)赚的多还是亏的多

  6. Kim chen 07-11-2018 [ Reply ]


  7. vic3ai 15-10-2018 [ Reply ]

    当我按下master prospectus是error出现了。。。。我也想投资基金所以想学学

    • MisterLeaf 15-10-2018 [ Reply ]


  8. Chien 08-10-2018 [ Reply ]

    这个unit trust 要去那里投资的

    • MisterLeaf 10-10-2018 [ Reply ]

      您可以尝试询问身边的朋友,看看他们是 Public Mutual 的代理吗

    • Maybel 14-11-2018 [ Reply ]

      我是Public Mutual 的agent 🙂
      [email protected] (一天內回复)

  9. Jay K 06-10-2018 [ Reply ]

    叶先生,我想问以目前的走势, PUBLIC ISLAMIC ASIA LEADERS EQUITY FUND, 还可以投资吗?还是卖掉好呢?可以给意见吗?谢谢。

    • MisterLeaf 08-10-2018 [ Reply ]


  10. Maybel 27-09-2018 [ Reply ]

    有兴趣了解更多 UNIT TRUST 可以连络我哟。
    我是有一名经验的agent 。 依您的需求推荐适合的fund 给您
    基金的投资建议 – 中长期投资,退休计划,小孩读书基金及等等

    [email protected] 一天内回复

  11. Winnie xue 16-03-2018 [ Reply ]

    请问p.asean growth fund/p. greater China fund/p. islamic global equity fund这三个fund有股息吗?值得买吗?

  12. Choo Yoke Wan 16-03-2018 [ Reply ]


  13. 陈声 23-12-2017 [ Reply ]


  14. jacklyn 23-07-2017 [ Reply ]

    你好,请教以现在趋势,您会建议投资public mutual什么fund较为理想?成长稳定,回报率也不错的。public mutual 有买,现在在看着 amanah saham,公开给华人也不多,那个好呢?

  15. Anges Yong 18-07-2017 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 23-07-2017 [ Reply ]


      Hotline for Unitholders
      Kuala Lumpur: 03 – 6207 5000
      Penang: 04 – 3055 000
      Ipoh: 05 – 2462 500
      Melaka: 06 – 2855 500
      Muar: 06 – 9562 500
      Seremban: 06 – 6372 500
      Batu Pahat: 07 – 4363 500
      Johor Bahru: 07 – 3607 500
      Kluang: 07 – 7391 500
      Kota Bharu: 09 – 7263 500
      Kuala Terengganu: 09 – 6321 500
      Kuantan: 09 – 5118 500
      Temerloh: 09 – 2955 500

  16. Marc Lee 05-03-2017 [ Reply ]

    不好意思 小弟我第一次学习投资基金 请问下publicbank 有什么mutual fund 高风险高回酬但可以分期供的吗?

    • MisterLeaf 06-03-2017 [ Reply ]


      • tan 11-10-2019 [ Reply ]


        • MisterLeaf 13-10-2019 [ Reply ]


  17. kit ching 19-10-2016 [ Reply ]

    不好意思,我想请问,pb sukuk fund是不建议投资吗?

  18. yipweier 07-09-2016 [ Reply ]


    • MisterLeaf 08-09-2016 [ Reply ]


  19. Ee 23-07-2016 [ Reply ]

    Even though PCSF is not performed, but still many people make money from this fund. That’s another way to earn profit from this not perform fund.

    • MisterLeaf 02-08-2016 [ Reply ]

      Thanks for your info. By the way, would you share to us what’s the another way to earn profit from this not perform fund? Thanks again.

  20. Janne 02-11-2015 [ Reply ]

    I’m new to this website.
    Anyone can give an advice, how to earn a high or good profit from our money.
    Put in FD, or invest in unit trust fund?
    So, how to start to do invest in PB mutual fund.
    Thanks in advance.

    • MisterLeaf 12-11-2015 [ Reply ]

      FD is something like saving, not investment. FD no risk and low profit. However, mutual fund is one of the way for investment. Moderate risk, moderate profit.

  21. judy 29-12-2014 [ Reply ]

    你是说大众银行的Amanah Saham可以投资包赚~请教教我

  22. Panda 27-08-2014 [ Reply ]

    Hai’ actually I want join abt public mutual…but I hear have to open acc first right? I wanna learn,can teach me?

    • Mun 31-08-2018 [ Reply ]

      Hi Panda, need to fill up form, open account, select fund and top up money. U can do so through a unit trust consultant. You can whatsapp here https://bit.ly/2MPlpwq

  23. Low 25-02-2014 [ Reply ]

    I have purchase Public Mutual Indonesia Balanced Fund (PBINDOBF). What do you think about this fund? I wanted to invest it for 1 year. Expected interest is 5 % annually. Is that worth?

  24. monsterseng 02-04-2013 [ Reply ]


  25. yukit 02-04-2013 [ Reply ]

    请问 有什么 信托基金比较稳定和赚钱

  26. monsterseng 30-03-2013 [ Reply ]


    • Mister Leaf 01-04-2013 [ Reply ]

      哦。那么也只是比定期存款高 1.01% 而已啦。

  27. monsterseng 24-03-2013 [ Reply ]

    Mister Leaf~不用客气~我也是刚刚起步做了~放这4.01%一年~请问还有没有再高一点的吗?

    • Mister Leaf 30-03-2013 [ Reply ]

      4.01% 扣除了 Service Charge, Management Fee 等等吗?

  28. monsterseng 22-03-2013 [ Reply ]


    • Mister Leaf 24-03-2013 [ Reply ]

      谢谢 monsterseng 的分享。这种定期存款的方式,我其实也在用着。

    • LEE LING 23-10-2015 [ Reply ]


  29. Finnix 13-09-2012 [ Reply ]

    好! 你的每个宝贵意见我都吸取。。
    外币户口minimun 是多少存款?
    FD 你觉得放一年比较好会筹还是3-6个月?

    • Mister Leaf 14-09-2012 [ Reply ]

      我个人觉得 FD 放一个月比较好。哈哈。其实是看个人的啦,迟点我会在这里跟大家分享为何我会放一个月的 FD。

  30. Finnix 12-09-2012 [ Reply ]

    2012澳币好赚吗? 真的想尝试一下。。

    • Mister Leaf 13-09-2012 [ Reply ]



      • ian ng 06-05-2017 [ Reply ]


  31. Finnix 11-09-2012 [ Reply ]

    对了。。请问下你听过Forex online trading吗?对于这项外汇投资你觉得怎样?

    • Mister Leaf 11-09-2012 [ Reply ]


      2012 年应该是澳元 (AUS DOLLAR) 的回酬最好。

  32. Finnix 16-08-2012 [ Reply ]

    阿叶先生, 我最近买了PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE BOND FUND, 我不知道这个基金好不好, 我本来要放FD的, 小妹因为第一次购买, 经验不足。。需要你的意见~~我也是从你这里发现你说的储蓄赚利息分析到非常棒。才想要赶快存钱实现梦想~~

    • Mister Leaf 18-08-2012 [ Reply ]

      哈哈。我也是有留意 Public Infrastructure Bond Fund 这个信托基金。
      迟点我会在这里分析此 Public Mutual 的信托基金。

      • Finnix 11-09-2012 [ Reply ]

        现在有人会和银行credit card 借loan出来投资吗?

        • Mister Leaf 11-09-2012 [ Reply ]

          我觉得向银行借钱投资 Public Mutual 这种私人投资公司的信托基金是蛮高风险的,除非包赚*。

          在大马包赚*的信托基金是 Amanah Saham, 很多友族都向银行借钱投资 Amanah Saham。

          *包赚 = Capital guarantee (保本) + 固定回筹

          • penny 30-12-2018

            你好。我想请问银行有PIDM保障我们在银行的存款,那么amanah saham是受到什么机构保障投资者的本钱的?谢谢你。

          • MisterLeaf 30-12-2018

            投资都有风险。Amanah Saham 是属于低风险的投资,没有机构保障投资者的本钱的。

  33. hong pek har 26-07-2012 [ Reply ]

    first of all, unit trust investment is for mid to long term.

    price fluctuatiion is expected.
    did you invest one time, or do you put in money on a monthly basis too?
    PCIF was really low in Oct 2008 and has started to climb up since then till early 2011. It goes down Aug to Oct 2011 and remain low till now.

    if you have done monthly saving with PCIF, you average cost will be lower.
    we can meet for a friendly chat, as friend, i can share soem experience with you.

    • Mister Leaf 28-07-2012 [ Reply ]

      average cost might be lower, but total amount or total loss is more, isn’t it?

  34. yunnypui 26-07-2012 [ Reply ]

    一开始有(大概2007年)就投资到现在,它还是一直亏,我还需要投资下去吗, 还是把它卖了?它还会上吗?谢谢

    • Mister Leaf 28-07-2012 [ Reply ]

      我个人觉得投资中国市场的信托基金是亏钱的。或者你可以 switch fund。

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