Updated: May 5, 2020 Home » Financial Plan » Insurance
你有想过如果我们不小心住院 (hospital) 需要多少开销或花费吗? 在医药费非常昂贵的今天,住院费用或医疗开销可能让我们倾家荡产。我们一生辛苦的储蓄或金钱可能因为疾病 (disease) 或意外 (accident) 而用尽。你有了医药卡吗? Medical Card benefits 又知道多少呢?
之前我曾跟大家分享了《Medical Card 医药卡保险 需知》的文章,市面上有很多保险公司 (Insurance),其中包括: Great Eastern, AIA, Prudential 等等保险公司都有提供医药卡。
在还没购买保险 (Insurance) 或医药卡 (Medical Card) 前,我们或许可以知道医药卡提供的惠益(benefits)。以下我向一位朋友索取的医药卡惠益表。
一般上医药卡是根据病房的价钱而分类,比方说以下保险公司分成 6 类医药卡,即: 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 及 350。
如果我们签购 100 配套的医药卡可享有价值 RM 100 的医院病房及膳食费 (120 天)。当然,如果我们选择在政府医院治疗,也可以获得每日津贴 RM 40 (120天)。监护人则可以获得 RM 60 的惠益 (120天)。每年的限额是 RM 60,000。
如果我们签购 200 配套的医药卡可享有价值 RM 200 的医院病房及膳食费 (120 天)。当然,如果我们选择在政府医院治疗,也可以获得每日津贴 RM 50 (120天)。监护人则可以获得 RM 110 的惠益 (120天)。每年的限额是 RM 115,000。
另外有一点要注意到是: COST SHARING/CO-INSURANCE, 也就是保客必须承担 10% 的医药费。有些医药卡只需保客付 RM 500 或一定的数额,有些医药卡则完全不需要保客承担保费。
- Hospital Daily Room & Board 医院病房及膳食费
- Additional Hospital Room & Board whilst overseas在国外的额外病房及膳食费
- ICU 加护病房
- Hospital Supplies and Services 医院供应及服务
- Surgical Fees Benefits 手术费
- Operating Theatre Fees Benefits 手术室费用
- Anaesthetist’s Fees Benefits 麻醉剂费用
- In-hospital Physician’s Visit 住院期间的医生诊查费
- Pre-Hospitalization 住院前惠益
- Post-Hospitalization 出院后惠益
- Day Procedure 日间程序
- Organ Transplant 器官移植
- Daily cash allowance at govermenet hospital 政府医院每日现金津贴
- Daily Guardian Benefit 监护人每日惠益
- co-insurance Free amount per policy year 每个保单年免保险分担额
- Annual Limit 每年限额
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有些医药卡是一次性付费,有些则是每月付费。更多详情请看: Medical Card 需注意事项
AIA是没有co-insurance的哦,过了waiting period的话是100% 索赔,无需保客承担10-20%费用,现在我们公司医药卡保额是1.1mil一年,终身无限制。
Miyuki Foo
you can ask me
请问你的医药卡是什么保险公司的? 或许你可以联络卖医药卡给你的代理员 (Agent), 他会解释给你听。
我妈是没有什么严重疾病啦,只是人老了以后住院的几率比较高,所以想先了解一下 ^_^
如果已经61 岁,一般医药卡保费需要 RM 2000 以上。我这里有 Male Medical Card 的参考价钱,你可以看看。
60 岁的医药卡保费很贵了,而且如果你妈妈有病在身,一般保险公司不卖你医药卡的。保险公司大同小异,主要是看保险代理。找个相熟的。
你好,我是代表AIA的,可以联系我016-3592968 Miyuki Foo
I am currently looking for medical card as well. Wondering which insurance company is better. I had consulted the AIA agent yet i am not very interested as i had been told that the yearly payment will increase year by year. Mister Leaf, do you have any info to share?
Yes, all medical card payment will increase year by year. If any agent tell you that the medical card fee is fix for whole life. You better don’t trust them.
Here is a example price list of medical card.
Check here: http://www.misterleaf.com/1924/medical-card-price-male/
Hi Bee, traditional medical card the payment will increase year by year, same to every company, if you want to pay the same premium, that kind of plan is called investment link, the cost of insurance will increase too but didn’t affect the figure that you pay for yearly, kindly contact me for more information.
Call/Whatsapp :016-3592968
Hi.. I’m wealth planner from Prudential.. If u interested about medical card can pm me to ask to do the quotation and then u can compare the benefits and price with other insurance companies