Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M) Dividend History

Updated: October 2, 2023 / Home » Investment » Amanah Saham and Fund

AS1M (Amanah Saham 1Malaysia) was launch in conjunction with 100 days of 6th Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak on 5th August 2009. AS1M is an equity income fund with fixed-price at RM1.00 per unit. The fund is open to all Malaysian including Bumi and non-Bumi (Chinese and Indian).

The Fund seeks to provide regular and consistent income stream whilst preserving the unitholders’ investment capital over a long-term horizon through a diversified portfolio of investment.

The table below is the historical Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW2020), Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) and Amanah Saham 1Malaysia Dividend Rate from 1996 to 2023.

DividendASW 2020ASMAS1M

However, beginning 15 October 2018, the Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M) would be known as Amanah Saham Malaysia 3 (ASM3).

Penamaan Semula Amanah Saham

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65 comments on “Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M) Dividend History

  1. THAM KW 17-01-2023 [ Reply ]

    My brother passed away in 2021 and he left his some Amanah shares to me through his will.
    1. How do I claim these shares. ?
    2. Is there any forms I have to fill?
    3. What documents do you required to do the necessary transfer to my name.?
    4. Where is the place to do the above or can I do online.?


  2. Muthu Govindasamy 30-09-2022 [ Reply ]

    AS 1MALAYSIA dividen 2022 berapa %.

  3. ANG YAT YAU 18-02-2021 [ Reply ]


    I am currently in the USA and need to check my ASM3 balance. May I know where to do so? Thanks.

    • MisterLeaf 19-02-2021 [ Reply ]

      You can register your account on ASNB official website:

    • James Kow 03-04-2023 [ Reply ]

      I already have ASM3 account. How do I open ASM2 account? Is online possible?

      • Mister Leaf 04-04-2023 [ Reply ]

        Sure. You can open ASM2 online.

  4. NIRMALAN VEERAPAN 25-10-2020 [ Reply ]

    can i know is the PENGISYTIHARAN AMANAH / TRUST DECLARATION is only for beragama islam or everyone can do it? and if i withdraw all my units and close my AS1M do i still need to keep 1000 units in the account?

    • MisterLeaf 25-10-2020 [ Reply ]

      PENGISYTIHARAN AMANAH is only for non Muslim, however HIBAH AMANAH is for Muslim. You get go to any ASNB branch to do the declaration.

  5. Muniandy 30-09-2020 [ Reply ]

    Tahun 2020 ASM1M dividen berepa

  6. LAi Wai peng 24-09-2020 [ Reply ]

    Can I sell my ASM3 at participating bank?
    What happen if I pass away . How do my children claim this money?

    • MisterLeaf 26-09-2020 [ Reply ]

      Yes, you can sell your ASM3 at participating bank. You can write a will or apply PENGISYTIHARAN AMANAH / TRUST DECLARATION in any ASNB branch.

  7. selvarajoo 16-09-2020 [ Reply ]

    I invested in AS1M in Maybank.But i didint get my passbook.How do i get the book.Can i gei it from any PNB branch.

    • MisterLeaf 18-09-2020 [ Reply ]

      Now already didn’t provide passbook.

  8. Lim Fong Sin 19-08-2020 [ Reply ]

    I have ASM3 account,would like to Update and buy more units.
    Where can i buy more units?
    How can I find out the availability of the units?

    • MisterLeaf 20-08-2020 [ Reply ]

      You can go to pos office, ASNB branch, Maybank, CIMB Bank, RHB Bank, Hong Leong Bank to buy the units if available.

  9. Mimi 25-07-2020 [ Reply ]

    How can i apply the asm online?

  10. Thomas 10-07-2020 [ Reply ]

    May I please know what is the difference between ASM and ASM3?

    I have ASM but my daughter was provided ASM3. Because of this, I am not able to transfer my funds to her. Therefore I am thinking of withdrawing all the funds from her ASM3, open a new ASM account and put in all the funds from ASM3 into ASM.
    Thank you.

    • MisterLeaf 10-07-2020 [ Reply ]

      You can just try open a new ASM account for your daughter. No need to sell the ASM3.

  11. Anonymous 23-06-2020 [ Reply ]

    If I put in my money in as1m now, will I get the dividen on September or next year only?

  12. Rahmat 26-04-2020 [ Reply ]

    Saya tahun ni 2020 tempoh dh cukup 5tahun..5000 tu dpt ke tk dpt ..mcm mana ada info atau ada sesape yg dh dpt 5000..yq

  13. Rahmat 26-04-2020 [ Reply ]

    Nak tanya..duit 5000 tu dpt ke tk dpt confuse skit..

  14. ain 09-02-2020 [ Reply ]

    AS1M suami sya dh matang setahun lebih.tapi kenapa duit 5ribu belum masuk lagi.cuma dpt dividen tahunan sja..tanya bank,bank cakap tunggu ja duit dh setahun lebih..tak masuk jugak

    • MisterLeaf 13-02-2020 [ Reply ]

      Duit 5 ribu tu duit siapa?

      • Shah 22-07-2020 [ Reply ]

        Itu duit lima ribu dato najib kasi pinjam percuma untuk lima tahun kpd B40.. bukannya kasi terus..

  15. Mandak 13-01-2020 [ Reply ]

    Hai nak tanya..AS1M for 5 years..then macamana nak tahu tempoh matang?

    • MisterLeaf 13-01-2020 [ Reply ]

      AS1M ada tempoh matang?

  16. Mohd. Haikal abdullah 07-01-2020 [ Reply ]

    Bagaimana untuk megetahui dividen Asm3 akan bertambah dalam simpanan. Adakah setiap bulan@setahun..

    • MisterLeaf 07-01-2020 [ Reply ]

      Dividen setahun sekali

  17. A Malaysian 02-01-2020 [ Reply ]

    I reviewed my ASW dividend calculation for the period 01 Sept 2018 – 31 Aug 2019. I have only made investments for this entire period, without any withdrawals (sell back). Based on the [(0.05/12) * lowest monthly balance], I do not get the same amount of dividend – it appears to be less, when it should be higher.

    Has anyone ever checked their dividend calculations? Am I calculating correctly?

    Best regards.

    • MisterLeaf 02-01-2020 [ Reply ]

      Different a lot?

  18. Peter 10-12-2019 [ Reply ]

    Thanks for this website, your info is more updated & comprehensive than ASNB own website at the time of the writing. They didn’t update dividend rate of all ASM funds even months after the distribution.

    • MisterLeaf 11-12-2019 [ Reply ]

      Thanks. We will try our best to share the latest information to our reader.

  19. DrA 13-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    Interest rates for 2019 are so Very low that it’s record breaking. What were the reasons given by ASM ?

    • MisterLeaf 13-11-2019 [ Reply ]

      Investment is like that, sometimes good sometimes not.

  20. Lt Col Ajaya Kumar (Rtd) 08-11-2019 [ Reply ]

    Can I carry out ASM3 (AS!M) transactions online through my Maybank2U?

    • MisterLeaf 10-11-2019 [ Reply ]


    • Ismail bin Sarlan 01-05-2020 [ Reply ]

      Bayar melalui on line boleh ke

      • MisterLeaf 02-05-2020 [ Reply ]

        Boleh labur Amanah Saham melalui online

  21. Siva 15-10-2019 [ Reply ]

    1) Why in ASM3 are declared dividend & Bonus separately?
    2) What is the different between Dividen and Bonus?
    3) If it is different, how it is calculated? Example: if I invest RM10,000 in Sept’18.

    • MisterLeaf 16-10-2019 [ Reply ]

      ASM3 didn’t declared Bonus. Please double check.

    • ZAIDI 30-09-2022 [ Reply ]

      Berapa dividen ASM3 tahun 2022?
      Senyap aje……

  22. Jessica 30-09-2019 [ Reply ]

    What is “Penamaan Semula”? Does it mean changing the account holder name to another name ?

    • MisterLeaf 01-10-2019 [ Reply ]

      Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M) would be known as Amanah Saham Malaysia 3 (ASM3).

  23. Wong noon kong 30-09-2019 [ Reply ]

    Can we transfer the ASM3 units to our next of kin?

    • MisterLeaf 30-09-2019 [ Reply ]

      cannot. We just can sell the unit and our next of kin can try to buy, but not guarantee they can buy successfully.

  24. Jukinol Joimil 25-09-2019 [ Reply ]

    When do we know the dividend rate for ASM3 for the year 2019?

  25. C,Retna Kumar 20-09-2019 [ Reply ]

    Can i close my ASM3 account immediately. I need to pay for downpayment for an apartment. Where can i close my account at HQ or at the post office. Will I get my money back immediately. TQVM

    • MisterLeaf 21-09-2019 [ Reply ]

      You can sell all units and take the money back immediately at any ANSB branch, Pos Office or bank.

  26. Sarah 16-09-2019 [ Reply ]

    Kalau buku AS1M dah hilang.. Macam mana nak dapatkan balik info pasal akaun kita? Adakah akaun kita yg dah lama abandoned akan ditutup?

    • MisterLeaf 17-09-2019 [ Reply ]

      Sekiranya unit Amanah Saham tersebut tidak dijual, maka unit tersebut masih dalam akaun. Akaun tidak ditutup. Saudara boleh dapatkan info dari cawangan ASNB, pejabat pos atau bank tertentu.

  27. Anita 29-03-2019 [ Reply ]

    Can we buy ASM3 units now? If so, how?

    • MisterLeaf 31-03-2019 [ Reply ]

      Yes. You can go to the post office or bank to buy the ASM3 units if other investors sell their units. Besides, you can buy the units online too.

  28. Nylea 03-01-2019 [ Reply ]

    Betul ke sy dgr asm3 ni contoh kita byr rm80 bulan ni, bln dpn dpt rm120.. Stiap bln mcmni. Btul ke

    • MisterLeaf 05-01-2019 [ Reply ]

      Haha… tak betul la…

      • BARATHI 25-02-2019 [ Reply ]

        dividen per minute calculate how much? last year i buy 100 unit AS1M.

        • MisterLeaf 25-02-2019 [ Reply ]

          The dividend will credit to the unit holder’s account yearly. If you buy 100 unit, and the dividend is 6%, means you will get 106 unit in total.

  29. Krishna Kumar 31-10-2018 [ Reply ]

    Is is possible to monitor in the system the dividend on my investment for AS1M?

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